Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Hey There!

Daria here.

Who is this "Daria"?

What the heck is she doing?

Does she like pizza?

These are the questions that I am here to answer for you today.

1. Who is this "Daria"?

Daria is a creature of the species Homo Sapiens, a polyglot, a sister, a daughter, a friend, a hot-chocolate-lover. But, most importantly for our purposes, she is a senior at Basis Scottsdale planning on going into Animation—more specifically, Character Animation.

2. What the heck is she doing?

Right now she's typing. But she's going to be using this blog to document her Senior Research Project ("What's that?") Glad you asked! The Senior Research Project is a program that her school offers, in which students take the last trimester off to research a topic of their choice. Daria has chosen to research animation and animated pieces, focusing on the process especially, what makes them successful, and how they are made, by making her own animation. She will be working with Peter Hannan, creator of CatDog, and Dru Hardy, the 2D art teacher at Basis Scottsdale, as mentors in this endeavor, while also researching much on her own from February to the end of the school year.

3. Does she like pizza?

Yes. Yes she does.

All jokes aside, thank you for visiting the blog; the journey ahead is going to be a great one, and I hope you enjoy it as much as I do! 


  1. I'm super excited to see how this project unfolds! I'm also really curious to know how you developed an interest in animation and how you plan to create your own style in the future!

  2. This is such an interesting project and such a cute format. I'm really interested in seeing more of your work and learning more about the industry.

  3. This is super exciting! I hope you have smooth roads ahead. <3

  4. I think you'll have a lot of success in this! I look forward to seeing you're artwork! But how did you get time with the great Peter Hannan? He's a legend!

    1. Right!? I came into contact with him through Ms. Hardy, his spouse, and I am very lucky they were both gracious enough to take me under their wing in guiding me in this endeavor :)

  5. Who doesn't like pizza? (it's funny because I actually don't)

    haha I'm looking forward to seeing your animation though. Good luck!

  6. I love this project and can't wait to see the animation you create! Although I love art, I don't know too much about animation, and I'm definitely excited to learn more about the field through your blog!

  7. I'm so excited to see what you come up with! I'm sure you're going to have a great time, and the end result will be amazing. :D

    Do you have a link to your proposal that you could add to this blog somewhere? I'd loveto read more of the specifics of your project!

    Good luck <333

    1. Thank you Aarthi! I've actually recently revised my proposal, so I'll post it up as soon as it's approved :)

  8. This is a very interesting project! I've always loved animation in general. Do you have any idea of what animations you might make while working with Mr.Hannan?

    1. Actually, I'm still trying to figure the material out. But hopefully it'll be good haha

  9. Hi Daria,

    This looks like it will be a fun blog to read! Can't wait to see your evolving work. Phoebe Randall's blog last year was super interesting as well http://phoeberandall104.blogspot.com/ -- it was very cool to see the variations of her work and then the final presentation of course.

    Can you post a few examples of your favorite animation work from youtube or wherever?


    Mr. Bloom

    1. Sure! I'll definitely have posts coming up where I post inspirations and content that I'm a fan of, so hopefully that will give you an idea of what my tastes are :)

  10. I'm so excited to see how this project unfolds! Maybe you can bring to life all the cartoon stories we thought of in 6th grade!

  11. This is the perfect research project for you! I think both you and I will have lots of fun following (or, in your case, writing and drawing and everything else that will bring your pictures to life) this blog for the next couple months!
