Monday, February 16, 2015


Hello everyone!

Sorry for the delay with this first week. But here we are.

This week was a fairly mundane one, and I'm sure the next few will be a bit more exciting. Though this week was integral nonetheless.



How did I do that?

By writing out 100 ideas.

Now, these ideas weren't all full-fledged "ideas," per se. Writing out that much stuff is just a way of getting the brain going, and I did get a fair amount of gems out of it, which is good. Of course, some "ideas" consisted of stuff like the following:

  • beeEEes/??/?/???Ees?
  • office musical
  • maybe…. i could like… satire? satire. 
  • a nude person. is walking. but then people slowly give them clothes. and at the end of it they look fabulous woo 
  • lesbians maybe
  • posh animals and their houses: a documentary
  • what happens in the museum… stays in the museum
  • an animation of me animating ohoho
  • dancing superhero lady 
...and, as you imagine, I could go on. I might've also been a teeny bit tired when writing the list. However, once I narrowed it down, I found myself with these: 
  • exploration of television tropes
  • the life of a pathological liar
  • someone is holding onto another person's leg and won't let go no matter what
  • someone loses their voice, and in this world, voices are floating orbs, so they try to find their voice but they keep ingesting the wrong orbs
  • someone keeps gambling and betting more and more ridiculous things until it escalates to a point where the whole thing blows up in their face (metaphorically or literally)
  • idea of animator/third party controlling or interacting with the character
  • a chase scene—shenanigans ensue
  • contagious dancing
  • international traveling cat
Some of them still sound pretty silly, right? But they can all be developed into wholesome ideas given time (which I have!). The next two weeks are going to be devoted to picking an idea and creating a rough storyboard for it. Picking an idea will involve sketching and drawing concepts for characters and setting to get a feel for each story, though, which is exciting, so that'll be coming up. 

This week was also an adventure in interviewing! With Peter Hannan's help, I was connected with Dan Povenmire (co-creator of Phineas and Ferb), Nick Jennings (art director for Adventure Time, for which he recently won an Emmy), Rob Porter (head of story at DreamWorks), and Carol Wyatt (a background painter for many shows on Nick and more), and I got to send them a few questions about the industry through email. I've heard back from Mr. Povenmire already, and look forward to reading the others' replies. I'm so freaking excited, guys; you have no idea. 

The last thing I did this week was look up animation books that I could use as resources. I had about ten sitting in my amazon cart before I realized I should probably hit the library and see if there are any there before spending any money. So we'll see if that works out. 

Thanks for reading and have a lovely day!

(sorry again for the delay with this post!)


  1. I'm so excited to see where this goes! P.S. I'm pretty fond of the pathological liar and the unable to let go of leg stories. :D Can't wait to hear more!

    1. Aw thanks Val! I'm actually very fond of the not letting go of the leg one, as well haha.

  2. As a writer in my spare time, this is pretty much how my brain works at some times haha. I wonder, have you already made doodles for any of these ideas? Sometimes, a slip of the pen opens up a new world of possibilities.

    1. Isn't the brain a wonderful thing? Not yet, I've been clearing up a workspace for the past couple days, as my table's really really messy currently. But I'll definitely post the sketches up in future posts!

  3. The voice orbs. Please. You could give them British accents too. I'm extremely excited for you to connect with such awesome people and flesh out your crazy (by which I mean golden) ideas!

    1. That's another one I was fond of/drawn to! Imagine a little girl with a stereotypically deep manly man voice going "whoops, wrong one," and, as you said, there's a lot of potential in the world of accents. Thank you, I'm excited too! :)

  4. hahha "maybe...I could like...satire? satire"
    You're beautiful Daria
