Yay animation books! |
Hey everyone! Remember when I said I'd hit the library last post? Well, I sure did, and found these two delicious reads. I've started reading
Animation: From Script to Screen, and I've actually been really into it, which is cool. (You know how you're always afraid whether a book is going to hook you, no matter how many books you've read and been hooked by? Yes? No? Maybe? What? It's just me? Oh. Okay.)
I also got back answers for my interview questions from Rob Porter, head of story at DreamWorks, and his answers were so thorough and so nice. I cannot thank these professionals enough for taking the time to impart their knowledge and experience.
This week I've also started clearing my desk (table?) to make a proper workspace. So here's a "before" picture, and hopefully soon enough we'll have an "after".
I've actually never watched Perks of Being a Wallflower and I'm not sure why I have the poster... |
Messy, right? Don't worry. I'll fix it. Soon we can all put looking at this horrendous sight behind us.
(Side note, the reason I have so many things on the wall is because when I don't know what to do with something oftentimes I have the habit of just grabbing some tape and sticking it up there.)
And this week I started making some drawings to get a feel for my concepts!
Needless to say, the dude's frustrated.
Like... really frustrated. And it's kinda funny.
Other people's pain ha humor LET'S MOVE ONto international traveling cat:
So the international traveling cat idea turned into more of an international cats type of thing, heavily playing off of stereotypes associated with the countries. Which was, let me tell you, super fun to draw. But I should
probably tone it down with the stereotypes.
I'm still working on the other concepts, and even furthering these, but any suggestions are welcome, as always!
In the meantime, a few really shwankin' videos (at least, I think they are):
Here's one by Blu, an artist who does amazing work using stop motion and mainly graffiti/painting on walls. WARNING: his work often features body horror (this one not as much... but just in case you were gonna check out his other work), and this one deals with some violent themes like the world exploding and people being shot, especially at the end (it's not scary or anything, it just might be a teeny bit disturbing at times):
Here's another cool and cute one that combines stop motion with drawings:
Another stop motion, with office supplies:
A cute short that just really makes me happy:
A cute one by Glen Keane:
This is a cool thing about pitching scenes at Pixar (a bit on the longer side):
A video that I'm fond of about Edgar Wright and visual comedy in filmmaking (and in general, really):
Things that get me excited:
A cute lil French animation:
Now, I could go on, for a really long time, but I should probably save some shorts for future posts.
Merci for reading/watching and I hope you're having a good day!